Women’s Aid Fundraising Agreement


  1. Every fundraising event must be run in accordance with all applicable laws. It is the sole responsibility of the Event Organiser(s) to ensure that the event complies with all respects of the law and with applicable requirements of Women’s Aid.
  2.  Approval to repeat an event must be requested from Women’s Aid.
  3. Women’s Aid will assist with your event only by way of offering advice and guidance. The overall running of the event, including expenses, promotion, insurance, record-keeping and management is your responsibility.
  4.  Women’s Aid insurance does not extend to external fundraising events – we would advise that prior to your event you must seek independent insurance advice.
  5. Please contact your local Garda station for guidance on any legal permits that you may require for your event.
  6. If you are holding a raffle where the sale of tickets is to the general public, outside of guests you may have at your event, you should contact your Garda Station to obtain a permit.
  7. Door-to-door calls are not permitted.
  8. Regarding the sale of CDs, books, calendars and other similar items, ALL requests for same must have prior approval from Women’s Aid. Please contact Women’s Aid directly.
  9. Marketing and PR. Women’s Aid cannot provide Direct Marketing and PR for your event. We may be able to share on some social media platforms and on our website.
  10. You must advise Women’s Aid of any changes to the details of your event provided on this form prior to the event taking place.
  11. You must treat everyone you encounter in your role as a fundraising volunteer with respect and dignity. Harassment or discrimination of any kind on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability or sexual orientation will not be tolerated.

Authority to fundraise for Women’s Aid
You must:

  1. Be 18 years or over (if under 18 years of age, you will need permission from a parent / guardian)
  2. Complete the application form prior to the event.
  3. Please do not advertise this event until you have received approval from Women’s Aid.

Use of Women’s Aid Name and Logos

  1. The name of your event must not have Women’s Aid in the title. The event may only use Women’s Aid name and logo to advise that the event will benefit Women’s Aid. To this end women’s Aid are only a beneficiary of the event. For example, “Title of Event” to benefit Women’s Aid or in aid of Women’s Aid.
  2. Prior approval must be obtained from Women’s Aid for any printed materials, media publications or advertisements associated with the event.
  3. You must contact Women’s Aid prior to the event to gain approval for the use of the Women’s Aid Logo. If approval is given by Women’s Aid, we will provide the appropriate version of the logo and brand guidelines. Please note that our logo must not be copied from other sources.

Cash Handling and Banking

  1. In your own interest and to adhere to auditor requirements, it is required that all net proceeds from the event must be submitted to Women’s Aid within 30 days of completion of the event.
  2. You may donate the funds online, at the bank, or to the Women’s Aid office. It is considered best practice under the Charities Act 2009 to submit a record of income and expenditure related to the event with your return.
  3. If you are using a Women’s Aid official collection bucket or hand held fundraising box, you must return this unopened and with any seal unbroken. Women’s Aid will count the monies and inform you of the total collected.

Permits and Insurance

Please note that it is obligation of the Event Organiser to obtain all the necessary permits associated with the event. It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to seek independent or prudent advice regarding any insurances that may be required to hold the event.

To the fullest extent allowed by law, the Event Organisers agree to:

  • Release Women’s Aid from claims and demands of any kind arising from or related, directly or indirectly, to the fundraising event and
  • Indemnify and hold harmless Women’s Aid from any and all liability resulting from loss, damage or injury of any kind and in any way connected, directly or indirectly, with the fundraising event

If, in the sole opinion of Women’s Aid, an Event Organiser does not, in advance of the event, obtain necessary or prudent insurance cover and/or any required permit for the event (from Women’s Aid or from any other person), Women’s Aid reserves the right to withdraw or decline any association with the event, without giving prior notice to the Event Organiser. If that happens, Women’s Aid may also publicise the fact that Women’s Aid is not in any way associated with or endorsing the event.

Women’s Aid insurance does not apply to the fundraising event. In particular, it does not cover loss, damage or harm to any person organising, assisting with or participating in the fundraising event or to the property of any such person or any other person.

Whether the fundraising event involves use of public parks, public areas or private property,
Women’s Aid does not accept any responsibility for any damage that may arise from or be caused
(directly or indirectly) by such fundraising event. We recommend strongly that Event Organisers seek independent insurance advice prior to organising an event.