Women’s Aid National Freephone Helpline remains open 24 hours to support women experiencing domestic violence and abuse over difficult Christmas period

  • More time off and extra financial pressure on survivors-victims can cause the festive period to be even harder for women and children who are subjected to domestic violence and abuse.
  • Calls expected to increase after people go back to work and school, as women walk on eggshells to ‘keep the peace’ at Christmas time.
  • Maintenance and gifts for children often used to coercively control women and children.
  • Women’s Aid expects to respond to about 60 contacts a day over the Christmas period.

18 December 2024: Women’s Aid is reminding the public that its National Freephone Helpline remains open 24 hours a day over the Christmas period, and that it is there for anyone who needs it at what can be a particularly difficult time for women who are subjected to domestic violence and abuse.

The service also offers interpretation in over 200 languages for any caller uncomfortable using English to discuss what is happening to them.

In previous years, the national frontline support service for women affected by domestic abuse, has observed that with people off work for the festive period, many women are forced to spend more time with their abusers, while the impact of economic abuse can be even greater as women face the extra financial pressure that comes at this time of year.

Domestic abuse doesn’t always end when a relationship breaks down, and many women find that their ex-partners use this time of year to control and abuse them and their children by withholding maintenance, attempting to disturb access arrangements or dishonouring agreements made about Christmas presents for children.

Based on last year’s figures, Women’s Aid expects to respond to about 60 contacts a day over the Christmas period, with an increase likely in the new year when women have more time alone.

Women’s Aid CEO, Sarah Benson said: “Survivors-victims of domestic violence and abuse face horror and fear all year round, but for many, Christmas is a particularly difficult and stressful time. Like most families, women subjected to this kind of abuse want to make Christmas a time of happiness and joy for their children. However, many abusers control the finances in their home and make it impossible for women to buy gifts and treats for their children and family. The fear of what might, or will, happen is always there and survivors-victims know that one change in mood can cause untold damage. Women often just try and get through the period as best they can, but we want them to know that the Women’s Aid Freephone Helpline is always there for them, should they need it. We know that physical, emotional, sexual, and economic abuse does not go away just because it is the festive season.”

Women’s Aid National Freephone Helpline manager, Linda Smith said it is often in the days and weeks after Christmas that women reach out for help. Ms Smith said: “A lot of the calls we get about violence and abuse at Christmas come after the period is over. We find time and time again that women do everything they can to try and keep the peace at Christmas, walking on eggshells and putting themselves last. It is a very stressful time for them. Then when Christmas is over and they have some time alone, they will contact us to talk or seek help. However, the phoneline is available at all times, and it is important that people who need our service know they can ring any time.”

Christmas can also be very hard for women who are separated from their abusers, as they have to hand over their children in line with access arrangements, and many abusers use Christmas gifts to coercively control their children and ex-partners. They may not pay maintenance or pay it late to limit what women can buy for Christmas, and then shower the children with gifts themselves. This is abusive and controlling behaviour.

Ms Benson added: “Services are vital at this time of the year, and we are committed to answering as many calls as we can and signposting women to local services if that is what they need and want. Our Helpline staff and volunteers continue to give women the opportunity to talk things through and offer them vital support and information. We are here for every woman who needs to talk about anything that is making them anxious, worried or fearful about their partner or ex-partner. Every call is important so please pick up the phone if you can.”

Women’s Aid 24 Hour National Freephone Helpline is 1800 341 900

The following are the opening hours for Dolphin House Family Law Court (East Essex Street, Dublin 2) and for the Domestic Abuse Information and Support (DAIS) Drop-In Service for Women at Dolphin House over the holiday period.

The Dolphin House public office will accept ex-parte (from one party) Domestic Violence applications, including through lunch, up to 2:00pm (strictly) with Judges sitting until they are dealt with.

  • Friday, 20th December: 09:30am to 3:00pm (Dolphin House) – DAIS open as normal from 9.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4.30pm.
  • Monday, 23rd December: 10:00am to 2:00pm (Dolphin House) – DAIS will be open as normal, from 9.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4.30pm.
  • Tuesday, 24th December – 10:00am to 2:00pm (Dolphin House) – DAIS CLOSED.
  • Friday, 27th December – 10:00am to 2:00pm (Dolphin House) – DAIS CLOSED.
  • Monday, 30th December – 10:00am to 2:00pm (Dolphin House) – DAIS open from 10am to 2pm.
  • Tuesday 31st December – 10:00am to 2:00pm (Dolphin House) – DAIS open from 10am to 2pm.
  • Thursday, 2nd January 2: Normal service resumes. ENDS

Notes for Editors/Researchers:

  • Support is available at Women’s Aid 24 Hour National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900 or www.womensaid.ie 
  • National Male Adviceline 1800 816588 https://mensnetwork.ie/mal/
  • Women’s Aid is a national, feminist organisation working to prevent and address the impact of domestic violence and abuse including coercive control, in Ireland since 1974. We do this by advocating, influencing, training, and campaigning for effective responses to reduce the scale and impacts of domestic abuse on women and children in Ireland and providing high quality, specialised, integrated, support services.
  • The Women’s Aid Fundraising Appeal is ongoing. Donations can be made via www.womensaid.ie/donate
  • For further information, contact Women’s Aid Strategic Communications Officer, Martina Genockey, on 086 206 7766 or at martina.genockey@womensaid.ie