16 Days of Activism 2023

The 16 Days of Activism Campaign is an important opportunity to raise awareness and call for change at an international, national and local level to end violence against women and girls.

Since 1996, Women’s Aid has run annual awareness campaigns and made resources available for local action to take place, we have held events outside the Dáil and brought national and international experts together to start conversations to tackle domestic violence and abuse in Ireland.

The campaign runs each year from 25th November (UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10th December (International Human Rights Day).

This year Women’s Aid will raise awareness of violence against women including the prevalence of domestic abuse in Irish society, how it impacts women during pregnancy and how employers can lead in addressing domestic abuse as a workplace issue.

Women’s Aid UN Day For the Elimination of Violence against Women Webinar

24th November 2023 11am – 12.30pm

Join us on the eve of the UN Day For the Elimination of Violence against Women as we officially launch a new online resource hub for employers to support the implementation of the Statutory Domestic Violence Leave, which commences on the 27th November 2023.

www.DVatWork.ie will be launched by Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., Minister of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Other contributors include:

  • Ailbhe Smyth, activists, campaigner, and chair of Women’s Aid
  • Sarah Benson, CEO of Women’s Aid
  • Hannah Wayte, Employer Engagement Trainer at Women’s Aid
  • Linda O’Sullivan, an advocate and supporter of Women’s Aid and survivor of domestic abuse.

Irish Sign Language is available.

Addressing Domestic Abuse – An Issue for Employers

You will learn how businesses and organisations are increasingly becoming aware that domestic violence and abuse is an issue which directly impacts employees’ participation at work and the workplace itself. The cost of domestic abuse to companies can be considerable.  Learn more about the support for employers to create an understanding and safe workplace environment for victims/survivors of domestic abuse.

Register for this webinar

Maternity and Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign

During the 16 Days of Activism 2023, Women’s Aid and our partners on the Maternity Project, will run an awareness campaign in maternity hospitals and units across the country. The campaign will include information stands, awareness posters for patients and staff.  It will also include a social media awareness campaign.

Learn More

Supporting Local Action

To support local 16 Days events, Women’s Aid has a general awareness pack available by post or as downloadable resources.

If you are organising your own event and would like to receive free awareness posters and other materials, please email info@womensaid.ie.