
Women’s Aid is a national feminist organisation. Our vision is for an Ireland with zero tolerance of violence against women and children. As well as our frontline services, a core part of our work involves advocating for laws and policies that support women subjected to domestic abuse.

Women’s Aid has successfully campaigned for changes in law and policy that make a difference to how domestic abuse is addressed in society. For example, ensuring that coercive control and image-based sexual abuse are formally considered criminal offences. We have made much progress in this country, but there is still further to go to ensure women are equal citizens, safe from all forms of violence.

Policy Priorities

We advocate for policy changes that will better support women subjected to domestic abuse, and bring Ireland closer to a culture of zero tolerance of gender-based violence.

Research Projects

Research ensures our policy recommendations are informed by evidence. We have commissioned a number of research studies to learn more about domestic abuse in Ireland.

Representation and Memberships

Women’s Aid actively develops cross-sector partnerships and strategic relationships to build collaborative responses to violence against women in all its forms.