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Volunteer Policy

Women’s Aid Fundraising Volunteers Policy

Women’s Aid is dedicated to best practice in fundraising and is committed to adhering to the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public published by the Charities Regulator.

This policy applies to all fundraising volunteers. A fundraising volunteer is an individual who fundraises on behalf of Women’s Aid. This can be through organising their own event, or taking part in a digital challenge or community fundraising campaign.

Fundraising volunteers take the initiative to support Women’s Aid or are recruited to take part in digital challenges or community fundraising campaigns (e.g., VHI mini-marathon or International Women’s Day Coffee morning).

As part of our fundraising volunteer policy, the following arrangements are in place:

  1. Our Supporter Promise (Donor Charter) is available on all fundraising sections of the Women’s Aid website.
  2. The Supporter Promise is signposted in communications with all supporters, donors and fundraisers.
  3. All third party fundraising events are registered with Women’s Aid here. Once registered, Women’s Aid screens the application and gives permission to go ahead or not.
  4. As part of this process, all third-party volunteer fundraisers read and agree to our Fundraising Agreement.
  5. Where Women’s Aid is not made aware of community fundraising initiatives until after the event, every effort is made to contact the organisers to ensure funds are received and acknowledged.
  6. All digital challenge participants receive a link to our supporter promise and Third-Party Fundraising Agreement to review the conditions, where they apply. There is also clear communication on how to return all funds raised for Women’s Aid.
  7. All funds raised are acknowledged promptly.

Supporting Fundraising Volunteers

Holding a fundraising event or taking part in a digital challenge can be a fun and rewarding experience that can make a real difference to the lives of women who have been subjected to domestic abuse. We will be here to support volunteer fundraisers every step of the way to help them reach their fundraising goals.

Women’s Aid will:

  • Recognises and values fundraising volunteers who help bring hope, healing, and the possibility of a brighter future for women and children subjected to domestic abuse.
  • Provide volunteer fundraisers with clear information and all the necessary documents to carry out their role successfully.
  • Adhere to all data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Provide relevant facts and information on request.
  • Provide volunteer fundraisers with support, guidance, and feedback from our fundraising team.
  • Update you on how your contribution makes a difference.

Read our full Supporter Promise.

Guidelines for Fundraising Volunteers:

We want volunteer fundraisers to enjoy volunteering with us and we take our responsibilities towards them very seriously. Fundraising volunteers are a de facto representative of the charity and we do require that you act within the below guidelines:

  • Fundraising activities must be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws.
  • You must treat everyone you encounter in your role as fundraising volunteer with respect and dignity. Harassment or discrimination of any kind on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, age, faith, disability or sexual orientation will not be tolerated.
  • Do not go door-to-door collecting money for Women’s Aid. This is not permitted.
  • It is obligation of the Event Organiser to obtain all the necessary permits associated with the event. It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to seek independent or prudent advice regarding any insurances that may be required to hold the event.
  • You must contact Women’s Aid prior to the event to gain approval for the use of the Women’s Aid Logo. If approval is given by Women’s Aid, we will provide the appropriate version of the logo and brand guidelines. Please note that our logo must not be copied from other sources.
  • All funds and unused materials must be returned to Women’s Aid within 30 days of the fundraising event or challenge.

Read our full Third-Party Agreement.


We are very thankful for the generosity of our fundraising volunteers and the public. All feedback on the work of our fundraising or Women’s Aid, in general, is very gratefully received and helps us improve our work.

Feedback can be a comment or a compliment.  It can also include a complaint.  A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the service provided or a particular interaction with Women’s Aid.

Read our full Feedback Policy.