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Abusive Teller Machine Campaign

Women’s Aid and AIB created the ‘Abusive Teller Machine’ awareness campaign to highlight the incidence of financial abuse in Ireland today, bringing to life how financial abuse manifests across daily interactions in abusive relationships.

About Women’s Aid and AIB Campaign

Filmed in AIB’s The Lab in Dundrum Shopping Centre in early April 2019, the ‘Abusive Teller Machine’, a specially created ATM, was programmed with the kind of controlling questions all too common in financially abusive relationships.

As customers attempted to access their money the questions became increasingly intrusive and intimidating before the customer was ultimately denied their money and the reason for their experience revealed.

The collaboration saw Women’s Aid and AIB work on heightening awareness around financial abuse, with AIB providing training for staff on supporting and referring customers who may be affected by financial abuse.

Read more about economic abuse